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Montgomery County, PA – Home Repairs Program

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

While the United States Constitution does not expressly create a right to housing, Americans consider owning a home as a critical piece of the “American Dream” and a great investment. From the early days of the United States history, the pioneering spirit that defined the “New World” later called America, included a desire for land and home ownership and the freedom that they represented. Additionally, homeownership can improve one’s quality of life. There is an intersection between place of abode and health. Where one lives is known to be a determinant of health outcomes. Homeownership means more than just having a legal place to live. It offers a sense of belonging, stability, and freedom.

In Montgomery County, Pennsylvania today, housing affordability is a critical concern. A study released in 2020 showed that 70% of Montgomery County, PA residents are severely cost burdened over housing. The study also revealed that Montgomery County, PA, cost burdened households pay more than 30% of their income, and severe cost burdened pay more than 50% of their income, for housing expenses including rent/mortgage, utilities, and other housing related fees and taxes. Those living cost burdened or severely cost burdened may have difficulty affording necessities such as food, clothing, transportation, and medical care. (Source: HUD, Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) Data, Montgomery County, PA; 2013-2017 ACS, Released August 25, 2020). Many of these residents, especially those in underserved and marginalized communities like Norristown and Pottstown, live in older homes that need serious repairs to make them more habitable, healthy, and energy efficient.

Coalition4Justice is glad to inform you about Montgomery County’s Home Repairs Program, a welcome initiative for our cost burdened county residents.

Montgomery County Office of Housing and Community Development in the Department of Health and Human Services announces a Home Repairs Program for qualified county residents. See details below. You can also access more information about the Home Repairs Program at www.montgomerycountypa.gove/homerepairs, or call the Office of Housing and Community Development at (610) 278-3540.

 The application window is open for our Whole Home Repairs Program.


Through this program, homeowners whose household income is less than 80% of the Area Median Income can apply for up to a $50,000 grant to make essential improvements to their homes. 


Updates could include addressing safety concerns, improving energy or water efficiency, or making units accessible for individuals with disabilities.



Coalition4Justice as well as other community organizations will meet with legislators from Bucks and Montgomery Counties and leaders who are championing affordable housing and behavioral health access policies on May 7th. If you would like to join us for our first day of advocacy in Harrisburg click here for more information.

Click here for a free template to write your Legislature a letter concerning the housing crisis in Montgomery County.

Dr. Bernadine E. Ahonkhai

Founder & CEO



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